Advent of Code Day2: Red-Nosed Reports

Today’s (1) challenge was only slightly more complicated than yesterday’s, and one where brute(ish) force was enough. My solution is on Github (2) .

Part 1 #

To check if a report (a list of numbers) is safe; see if they are all increasing or all decreasing and the difference is inclusively between 1 and 3.

I used the adjacentPairs() method from the Swift-Algorithms package (3) rather than zip to get a sequence of pairs of numbers.

After checking whether the differences should be increasing or decreasing, I made sure that all the pairs satisfied the condition by using the allSatisfy() method.

func isSafe(_ report: [Int]) -> Bool {
  guard let start = report.first,
        let end = report.last,
        start != end
  else { return false }
  let shouldIncrease = start < end ? true : false

  return report.adjacentPairs().allSatisfy { a, b in
    (shouldIncrease ? a < b : a > b) && (1 ... 3).contains(abs(a - b))

I used this to filter and count the input to get my answer.

Part 2 #

To check if a report is correctable, see if removing a single number from the list makes it safe. After a few minutes thought about complexity, I used a brute(ish) force solution.

If a report is not safe, I removed one of the numbers and checked again:

func isSafeOrCorrectable(_ report: [Int]) -> Bool {
  guard !isSafe(report) else { return true }
  let length = report.count
  var i = 0
  var correctable = false

  while i < length, !correctable {
    var arr = report
    arr.remove(at: i)
    correctable = isSafe(arr)
    i += 1

  return correctable

And, again, a filter and count gives me the answer.

Complexity #

My completely unscientific assessment of the complexity of removing an element and checking the array again:

The adjacentPairs() method has \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) complexity, and I’m going through the elements in a single pass which is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\)

Removing and checking the list again means another \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) operation, taking it up to \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\), which is not good, but at least it’s not exponential.

Looking at the full problem input there are 1000 lines, each with around 10-ish numbers. Each line will require about 100 to 1000 operations. So the full input is around 1 million operations; not a lot.

So, no need to do anything clever, and my solutions are still output in milliseconds.
