
Some of the presentations I have made at conferences and developer meet-ups over the years.

Pull Requests are a Language #

iOSCon, London, 22nd March 2018

Move beyond “LGTM”. Pull Requests Slides on Speaker Deck Video at Skills Matter (free login required) can be a way for teams to communicate more than just changes in a codebase.

The Road to Damascus, or FRP and Me #

NSSpain, LogroΓ±o, 14th September 2017

A talk Slides on Speaker Deck Video on NSSpain’s Vimeo given at NSSpain about my experiences of looking into using Functional Reactive Programming with RxSwift.

Be Your Own Backend Developer #

Code Mobile, Chester, 18th April 2017

An overview Slides on Speaker Deck of Server Side Swift. This was recorded, but unfortunately the video isn’t available.

Safer Programming with Types #

Swift London, London, 25th October, 2016

A short Slides on Speaker Deck Video on YouTube talk about type safety presented at the Swift London meetup.

Core Data: It’s not Dead Yet #

FrenchKit, Paris, 23rd September 2016

I spoke Slides on Speaker Deck Video on YouTube at the first FrenchKit (now known as Swift Connection) conference about how Core Data is still relevant in the age of Swift.

Being Imperfect in a Perfect World #

NSBarcelona, Barcelona, 21st September 2016

I spoke Slides on Speaker Deck at the NSBarcelona meetup about the choices we make about the patterns we use in development.

AltConf Post-WWDC Panel #

AltConf, San Franciso, June 2016

I was a panel member for the AltConf post-WWDC discussion. This was recorded, but the video is no longer available.

Swift London Pre-WWDC Panel #

Swift London, London, June 2016

I Video on YouTube was a panel member for a pre-WWDC discussion. I was a late addition to this, which is my excuse for looking so scruffy.

Dependency Management with Carthage #

CocoaHeads Stockholm, Stockholm, May 2016

An updated Slides on Speaker Deck Video on Vimeo and expanded version of my previous talk about using Carthage for dependency management.

Carthage #

NSLondon, London, 30th July, 2015

A talk Slides on Speaker Deck at NSLondon about using Carthage for dependency management.

What Haskell Teaches me about Writing Swift #

AltConf, San Francisco, June 2015

I had the Slides on Speaker Deck opportunity to present a longer version of the lightning talk I gave at Swift Summit. These are my personal thoughts about writing Swift after knowing some Haskell.

This was recorded, but the video is no longer available.

What Haskell Taught me about Swift #

Swift Summit, London, 21st March 2015

A short talk Slides on Speaker Deck about how knowing Haskell helped me to better understand and learn Swift.

Fizz Buzz in Swift #

NSLondon, London, 14th August 2014

A talk Slides on Speaker Deck I gave about different approaches to solving the Fizz Buzz problem in in Swift, along with some thoughts about the new language.

This was my first mention in iOSDevWeekly. (1)Issue 167

Adding 3rd Party Code to your Project #

iOSCon 2014, London, 15th May 2014

I spoke at the first edition of iOSCon Slides on Speaker Deck Video at Skills Matter (free login required) covering the usage of Git and CocoaPods for adding dependencies to an Xcode project

Distributed Version Control at LiDG #

LiDG, London, October 2010

A short presentation about Distributed Version Control (mainly Git) to the London iPhone Developer Group in the Regent Street Apple store.
